
About Us
Perché la tua pelle è bella ad ogni età se te ne prendi cura

Who we are

 “Il miracolo non è quello di camminare sulle acque, ma di camminare sulla terra verde nel momento presente e di apprezzare la bellezza e la pace che sono disponibili ora.”

Thích Nhất Hạnh


This quote from the great Vietnamese Zen master expresses the essence of the new Bisoubio AHORA face line, expresses the concept of timeless beauty, a unique and unrepeatable beauty, a beauty to be experienced in the present and to be accepted for what is at this precise moment of your life.

You don't have to aspire to become younger, you can't, you can't go back in time, but you can take care of yourself and accept yourself for what you are now!

Because your skin is beautiful at any age if you take care of it, if you hydrate it, if you nourish it, if you carefully choose the active ingredients and ingredients of the cosmetics, in short, if you pamper it according to the needs of the moment!

Accept your age, take care of yourself for the skin you have ... AHORA!


The name in Spanish takes inspiration from the island where the formulation assets were sought, the south west coast of Tenerife, where there are rich ecosystems characterized by extraordinary biodiversity.


The particular characteristics of the line are due to the search for sustainable marine active ingredients and the search for new ingredients and innovative molecules of natural origin, such as the extracts of marine microorganisms, microalgae, spirulina, sea lily extract, marine lotus and active waters. .


Extremely important in the production phase of these assets is the use of green energy, produced through closed-loop waste recycling systems, in which the carbon dioxide emitted is purified and supplied as an essential metabolic element to minimize emissions of carbon.

The origin of microalgae is approximately contemporary at the beginning of life on the planet. Microalgae are sources of sustainable active ingredients, extremely functional and performing. Thanks to their metabolism based on chlorophyll photosynthesis they are able to produce original and unique natural compounds.

Microalga Nannochloropsis Oculata It is a green alga with a firming action, perfect for fighting skin aging, wrinkles are relaxed and the signs of expression are attenuated. Combined through biotechnology with a fraction of balanced polysaccharides (Pullulan), it provides a quadruple action: protective, restructuring, lifting and toning in a dual mode:

Cylindrotheca Fusiformis It is a microalga that contains a large amount of beneficial ingredients for the skin, such as carotenoids, essential fatty acids and sterols with an anti-wrinkle effect. The Natura-Tec Marine Bluevital C active, developed by this species, is a powerful anti-wrinkle and antioxidant, acts to remove free radicals and helps prevent damage to the cellular structure in the dermis layer. It also stimulates the production of collagen and elastin structural proteins, helping to maintain the elasticity, tone and texture of the skin.

Spirulina Platensis It is a microalgae rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals and elements, such as iron and manganese, precious for the oxygenation, regeneration, strength and compactness of skin tissues. The detoxifying nature of Spirulina is able to help eliminate rimmed eyes and dark circles. Brightens the eyes, and gives them a tone of vitality thanks to its richness of iron. It has an anti-aging effect as it is rich in nutrients such as vitamin E, selenium and tyrosine.


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